Mission: Kid Success (MKS) is a 501(c)(3) charitable & educational organization that aids children struggling with academic, social, behavioral, & developmental challenges due to Autism, ADHD, & other Neurodevelopmental conditions. While many therapeutic services are available to help these children improve their quality of lives & outcomes, many families find the out-of-pocket costs for these needed services overwhelming.
MKS awards grants so that these children can receive the services that they need to succeed.
Please email us at [email protected]
to request to be put on our notification list for when application are open again.
IMPORTANT: Please read all of the eligibility criteria, grant application process information, program eligibility, and other information below before emailing us.
Mission: Kid Success (MKS) Application Process
Updated as of 10/26/2024
(Process, eligibility, and requirements below are subject to change)
Grant Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicant must be under 21 years of age as of the application deadline.
- Applicant must be of appropriate age for the program they are seeking funding for.
- Applicant must have Neurodevelopmental challenges such as ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), APD (Auditory Processing Disorder), ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder), LD (Learning Disabilities) or other Neurodevelopmental disabilities that are appropriately served by the program they are seeking funding for.
- Applicant must have completed an assessment or evaluation at the program they are seeking funding for and it be determined by that program to be suitable for the candidate. Fees for any required assessments or evaluations will be the responsibility of the applicant’s family.
- Applicant must have parents/legal guardians who are willing to be actively involved in their child’s learning and developmental process. They must comply with any home protocols that are required by the program they are seeking funding for.
- Applicant must have exhausted all insurance coverage, school district, or governmental funding for the program they are seeking funding for. If requested, applicant must submit proof that funding/coverage was attempted and denied.
- Immediate family must have total annual Modified Adjusted Gross Income of below (for applicants under 18):
- $122,640 for 2-person household
- $154,920 for 3-person household
- $187,200 for 4-person household
- $219,480 for 5-person household
- $251,760 for 6-person household
- $284,040 for a 7-person household
- $316,320 for a 8-person household
For applicants ages 18 – 21, income limit is $90,360 and based on applicant’s own personal Modified Adjusted Gross Income.
Income limits are based on 600% of Federal Poverty Level for 2024. These figures are subject to change.
- Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident (i.e. green card holder).
- Applicant must be a resident of one of the following:
- State of New Jersey
- Manhattan, NY
- Bronx, NY
- Queens, NY
- Brooklyn, NY
- Staten Island, NY
- Orange County, NY
- Nassau County, NY
- Rockland County, NY
- Suffolk County, NY
- Westchester County, NY
- Putnam County, NY
- Dutchess County, CT
- Orange County, CT
- Fairfield County, CT
- Bucks County, PA
- Montgomery County, PA
- Delaware County, PA
- Philadelphia County, PA
- Chester County, PA
- Lehigh County, PA
- Pike County, PA
- Northampton County, PA
- Monroe County, PA
- Applicant cannot be related to any MKS director, board member, officer, selection committee member, substantial contributor, or any employee of the provider they are seeking a grant for.
Families that meet the eligibility criteria above may submit a grant application to MKS.
Application Process for Grants over $500:
Step 1: Parents or legal guardians should contact MKS at [email protected] to obtain the necessary forms, to confirm their eligibility, and discuss any questions they may have about the grant process.
Step 2: Complete the application in its entirety and submit any and all supporting documentation required. Please hand sign the application.
Step 3: Attach the following:
- Clinical assessment from a qualified clinician that details the applicant’s diagnosis
- Signed Provider’s Supplement to Applicant’s Request for Financial Assistance (form that states applicant is a good candidate for requested services to be signed by provider)
Once these steps are completed, MKS will review all submissions and select grant finalists based on financial need, commitment level, and individual’s needs.
Grant finalists will be required to do the following after selection:
- Complete a financial assessment with the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) by completing the SSS by NAIS for Families at sssbynais.org. Our SSS code is 200138. The NAIS assesses financial assistance vulnerabilities and provides qualification guidelines for families seeking application to private schools and foundations. NAIS’s financial assessment fee of $60 is to be paid to NAIS by the applicant family. The fee covers NAIS’s cost of securely storing and verifying applicant’s financial data. There is an automatic evaluation by NAIS of eligibility to receive a fee waiver at the time of application submission based on income and other financial criteria. Please note that the applicant family may or may not be eligible for the fee waiver based on NAIS’s criteria. A dedicated SSS Family Support Hotline is available for help and assistance – 1-800-344-8328.
- Provide signed HIPAA forms for provider seeking funding for and all references that require one.
- Participate in a virtual interview with MKS to better understand the needs and goals of the candidate and so MKS can provide a reasonable expectation between our foundation, the candidate, and their family. The commitment level of the family will be gauged during the interview.
Please note that, on a case by case basis, we may request additional documentation.
Based on the candidates’ individual needs, commitment level, and financial need, MKS will determine grant recipients and amount of each grant awarded.
Once the recipients are chosen, MKS will explain the amount of the grant provided and what remaining costs are the family’s responsibility. The family must agree to cover these costs. They must also agree to maintain good attendance and to comply with their program’s home protocols. This may include nutritional guidelines, home exercises, and lifestyle changes. Each recipient family will sign an agreement stating that they understand the requirements of the program and will comply fully with, but not limited to, attendance policies and home protocols to obtain funding.
Process for grants under $500:
Step 1: Parents or legal guardians should contact MKS at [email protected] to obtain the necessary forms, confirm their eligibility, and discuss any questions they may have about the grant process.
Step 2: Complete the application. Please hand sign the application.
Step 3: Attach the signed Provider’s Supplement to Applicant’s Request for Financial Assistance (form that states applicant is a good candidate for requested services to be signed by the provider).
Once these steps are completed, MKS will review all submissions and select grant finalists based on financial need, commitment level, and individual’s needs.
Grant finalists will be required to do the following after selection:
- Provide signed HIPAA forms for provider seeking funding for and all references that require one.
- Participate in a virtual interview with MKS to better understand the needs and goals of the candidate and so MKS can provide a reasonable expectation between our foundation, the candidate, and their family. The commitment level of the family will be gauged during the interview.
Please note that, on a case by case basis, we may request additional documentation.
Based on the candidates’ individual needs, commitment level, and financial need, MKS will determine grant recipients and amount of each grant awarded.
Once the recipients are chosen, MKS will explain the amount of grant provided and what remaining costs are the family’s responsibility. The family must agree to cover these costs.
They must also agree to maintain good attendance and to comply with their program’s home protocols which may include nutritional guidelines, home exercises, and lifestyle changes. Each recipient family will sign an agreement stating that they understand that they must comply with attendance rules and home protocols to obtain funding.
Funding may be sought for special needs services and programs that will further a child’s learning and development or improve their quality of life (list is not exhaustive, please email us at [email protected] to discuss services not listed below):
- Art Therapy
- Music Therapy
- Special Needs performing arts programs
- Cranial Sacral Therapy
- Sensory Motor/Specialized Educational training
- Vision Therapy
- Neurofeedback
- MNRI (Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration)
- Biomedical intervention/Functional medicine (and associated supplements needed)
- Hippotherapy (horseback riding therapy)
- Social Skills therapy or groups
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Family Counseling
- Chiropractic Care
- Nutritional Counseling
- Homeopathy
- Adaptive Fitness programs
- Adaptive Martial Arts programs
- Adaptive Sports programs
- Special needs therapeutic camps
- Specialized educational placement services
- Special needs financial planning services
- Special needs career training programs
- Special needs estate planning services
- Special needs advocacy
- Specialized special needs tutoring services
- Ionic Detox Footbaths
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Auditory Verbal Therapy
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment
Please note that we will not fund (this list is not exhaustive, please email us at [email protected] with any questions):
- ABA therapy
- All medication
- Medical expenses and hospitalizations
- General legal fees
- Personal Needs (rent, food, utilities, family vacations, etc.)
- Transportation (cars, car repair, transportation passes, air travel)
- Past expenses
- Expenses that can be covered by applicant’s insurance, PerformCare/DDD, other government assistance, or school district – all other sources of funding must be exhausted
Applicants may apply for a grant for services offered by the providers on our Resource List which have been reviewed by Mission: Kid Success. An applicant alternatively can apply for a grant with a provider of their choosing. However, if the applicant is chosen to be a finalist for a grant, the provider will need to be reviewed by Mission: Kid Success. If the provider does not cooperate with the review process or is deemed to not be reputable, the grant application will be denied, and the applicant would need to apply again indicating another provider.
Applicants may apply for a grant for more than one modality if those modalities are complementary and if receiving the combined modalities in the same time frame would benefit the applicant’s progress.
Mission: Kid Success grants are highly competitive and not all that qualify will be awarded a grant. The amount of grants will be based on funding that has been raised. While priority is placed on financial need, the family’s willingness to be actively involved in their child’s learning and developmental process and the perceived benefit that the child will obtain from the services are taken into consideration.
Grants will be awarded in a non-discriminatory manner. MKS will not allow candidates that are related to its selection committee, officers, directors, board, substantial contributors, or employees of our approved providers. MKS will not discriminate based on race, gender, religion, or national origin.
All grants will be partial grants with the family responsible for some portion of the cost of the services depending on their financial need. All grants will be paid directly to the provider of the services, not the family.
Grants are contingent on full compliance with the requirements of the service the recipient will be receiving. The family must agree to make every effort to fulfill any and all dietary, behavioral, attendance, and “at home” modifications that the service providers requires in order to maximize the potential benefits from the program/service.
If MKS is made aware of a recipient not attending their program or complying with the home protocols, there will be an initial warning. Unless attendance is impossible for medical reasons, if the grant recipient does not fulfill these requirements on more than 3 distinct occasions, the family must agree to withdraw from the program and not seek any additional funds from MKS.
If the grant recipient demonstrates a continuous pattern of non-compliance (more than 3 occasions of non-compliance) with the requirements of the service sought for the child, the recipient must agree to refund to MKS all the funds it has paid on the child’s behalf to the service provider.
In the case of a recipient not being able to attend their services for medical reasons, if their health becomes such that their attendance becomes medically impossible, the services are no longer feasible, and further payments to the provider from MKS will cease.
If a family loses their grant, they may continue their program through their own private funding or if private funding is not available, they may be asked to leave their program.